History of Pascal Language
PASCAL language first developed in the early 70's by NICLAUS Wirth at the Technical University, Zurich - Switzerland. In the end, in 1971, one of the developers ALGOL has successfully developed a new programming language called PASCAL, which adopted the name of French scientists in the 17th century Blaise Pascal. PASCAL is a programming language that is structured, high level programming language, as well as easy for the programmer to specify the desired data type.

All About Cfosspeed
cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.

What is Android
Android promises to be a market-moving technology platform—not just because of the functionality available in the platform but because of how the platform has come to market. Part 1 of this book brings you into the picture as a developer of the open source Android platform.

Hacking With Prorat
This time let's play with one of the hacking tools, namely ProRat. Tools made of Turkey is very unusual, this tool serves to infiltrate other people's computers. The trick is very simple and easy, we live to know the IP and Port victim's computer, and then we can directly infects.

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