Jumat, 19 Agustus 2011

All Bout Cfosspeed

What is cFosSpeed?
cFosSpeed is a network driver, which attaches itself to existing Internet connections. It then optimizes data transfer by means of Traffic Shaping.

Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping.

You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. You can also use cFosSpeed with other types of Internet access, ie. whenever you already have an existing Internet connection.

cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, cable, ISDN, UMTS, etc.


cFosSpeed has two goals 
  1. Keep network delays (ping times) small, in order to make Internet applications as responsive as possible.
  2. Improve data throughput by avoiding network congestions.
You can use cFosSpeed with an Internet connection you use exclusively or which you share with several PCs.

System requirements: 
  1. Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7, but also Windows 2000
    32bit / 64bit (x64)
  2. Existing Internet connection
Revision history Final
Revision history Beta
Revision history Indonesian Language

(NEW Final)cFosSpeed 6.60 build 1852 -- 11-May-2011

6.60 Final - x86

6.60 Final - x64
6.61 Beta - 32bit / 64bit (x64)

(NEW BETA)cFosSpeed 6.61 build 1877

Box trial reset 2.0
pswrd link :  nsaneforums
rar pswrd  :  cfosfpeed

or mirror no pswrd

This program is for the cFosSpeed v6.04. It resets a trial license so you have more time to evaluate the program. It was tested on WinXP (x86) and Win7 (x86/x64). It may not work with the latest patches/updates.
  1. Install cFosSpeed. (If already installed, then skip to step 2.)
  2. When you want to reset the trial period, just execute the TR and select [ RESET ].
    (-a-) Automated = It automatically adds a 30-day trial license when the computer starts. The cFosSpeed will start only if a trial license is vallid. [If you use HIPS, make sure you allow it.]
    (-b-) Manual = It manually adds a 30-day trial license and it Uninstalls the automated trial reset process.
  3. To uninstall, just select (Manual) / [RESET].

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